Love Bubbles – the simmering, the getting-to-know-you part

June 30, 2024
Continued from Love Bubbles – Real connection, or just fleeting sparks? –
The rhythmic clatter of keyboards and the murmur of conversations create a familiar Monday morning soundtrack in the bustling coffee shop. Sarah, perched on a stool with a well-worn notebook and a steaming cappuccino, scans the room for Chido. A moment later, she bursts in, a touch of exasperation battling with amusement on her face as she orders a double espresso.
“Sorry I’m late,” Chido says, sliding into the seat opposite Sarah. “Rush hour traffic and a malfunctioning printer – the joys of Mondays, am I right?”
Sarah chuckles, handing her a napkin. “Mondays, huh? Tell me about it. But hey, at least you’re here now. Ready to dive into the murky depths of love bubbles?”
Chido takes a grateful sip of her espresso. “Absolutely. So, if love bubbles aren’t a guaranteed part of every relationship, how do you even know if you’re in one?”
Sarah leans back, considering. “There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but love bubbles tend to form in the early stages when the newness is exciting and the spark is intense. Think endless conversations, feeling like you can tell each other anything, and basically being lost in your own little world.” (Sarah winks)
Chido grins, jotting down a few keywords in the margins of a napkin – “endless talks,” “lost in own world.” Maybe that explains why she felt so comfortable spilling her deepest secrets to that one barista last summer (although, that might have been the strong iced latte talking).
Love Bubbles: it’s not just about butterflies and stolen glances?
“Lost in your own world,” Chido repeats, tapping her pen on the table. “Interesting. So, it’s not just about butterflies and stolen glances?”
“Not necessarily,” Sarah agrees. “The intense emotions are definitely part of it, but it’s also about building trust and intimacy. Sharing secrets, dreams, and vulnerabilities with someone creates a strong bond, even if it doesn’t feel like a full-blown rom-com scenario.”
Chido nods thoughtfully. “Hmm, slow simmer over full boil, huh?” She scribbles this down next to a cartoon of a tiny pot bubbling merrily. Maybe that’s what was missing with her past flings – the simmering, the getting-to-know-you part that went beyond the initial spark.
“Exactly!” Sarah smiles. “A slow simmer can lead to a much more delicious and long-lasting meal than a quick burst of heat.”
Chido lets this sink in. “Okay, I like that analogy. So, what if I do find myself in a love bubble someday? How do I navigate it?”
Sarah explains the importance of maintaining perspective and communication within a love bubble. Chido listens intently, doodling hearts with question marks inside them on her napkin. Sure, communication is key, but how do you balance that with the overwhelming feelings of a potential love bubble? Maybe that was a question for another day. For now, she had enough to ponder as she navigated the complexities of Monday morning (and the mysteries of love bubbles).
Chido steals a glance out the window. The sun, momentarily breaking through the clouds, casts a warm glow on the street. Maybe, just maybe, a little sunshine – or a slow simmering love bubble – could brighten even the most ordinary Monday.