Something to celebrate by the end of this year

January 3, 2021
When the time to celebrate comes, you should have something to celebrate about. At the end of each year or on their birthdays, many people say, “I want to thank God for life.” But, beyond that, celebration is more fulfilling when there is some achievement. Which is why on days that mark end of period we assess our progress. In such times, we also consider what to do next; the milestone to look forward to. What do you aim to celebrate by the end of this year?
“I got here (Zambia) on December 15. I did not have Christmas or New Year celebrations. I went into camp and concentrated on the fight and it has paid off.”
Charles Manyuchi spoke on the reasons for his success in 2014 – Newsday
What personal goals can you achieve and celebrate by the end of this year?
As time passes, we want to look back and see that we are better that we were before. Sometimes it’s us who pass, with the passing of time and we want to be sure we have left a legacy. Anyhow, what we do now will determine the echos of our celebrations.
Who are you and who will you be by the end of the year?
What you will achieve and celebrate as an achievement greatly depends on who you are. Firstly, you are the one who makes the choices. Secondly, you set goals with a consideration of what you can do. Knowing yourself improves your chances of pursuing the right goals and also achieving them. Yet, it’s not easy. With new experiences, you discover more about yourself. Experiences also change you. For these and other reasons, understanding yourself is a goal on its own.
Progress has to do with building and renewing your identity. You will have to maximize your strengths and talents.
Money Matters
In today’s world, you often go as far as the money you have access to. In fact, in any world, you generally need some resources to thrive. Whether you get your funds by labor or favor doesn’t matter. Generally speaking you need to improve your wealth. For many people that means improving your chances of being employed. However, it also means employing your resources. In any case you have to make some goals about your money.
Appreciation is at the heart of those who will celebrate by the end of the year
Obviously you have to start from somewhere. Real progress begins when you identify or develop potential. Appreciate things as they are now and invest in the future. That way, you will have something to celebrate at the end.
Be in a state you can celebrate by the end
I have often seen people work till they are too tired or too sick to enjoy what they worked for. Make it a goal not to be one of those people. Work for and on your health and quality of life.
Beyond survival…
We have to survive. Yet we have to do more than just that. Make time for a project. It will give you something to celebrate if you manage it well.
The greater call Picture
Your own personal spiritual growth and developing others enables you to do something greaater than yourself. Aim to improve your social abilities and to stand for something.