The Rise of Mukoma Roby

February 9, 2022
Sungura is a popular music genre in Zimbabwe, and Robert Zano, famously known as Mukoma Roby is inspired to take his sungura music to the Top. This is like ranking best among the best. What inspires Mukoma Roby to aim so high? You will find it funny how he comes up with his songs. He does have good reception. Mukoma Roby made it into the Radio Zimbabwe Top 50 2021. That would be quite a boost to his confidence. But, before this release, how did he look ahead and claim that his music will be TOP Sungura.
Mukoma Roby in the making
Mkoma Roby, draws from vast experience. He has been in the music circles for some time but he wasn’t quite known until he emerged as the frontman of his own band; Top Sungura. Robert Zano was born on 22 July 1982 in Victoria Falls. He went to Haig Park Primary School then Mugoti Secondary School in Rusape. “l started singing at school. After completing my form 4 in 1999, l joined the Sungura group R&K African Sounds in 2002”, Robert told “l left the ground then formed RBG Top Sungura”, the Top Sungura founder narrated. “With RBG we recorded; Postman, Bvunzai Mukwasha, Tambai Nezvimwe and1000missiles.”
All this while, Robert was learning and growing. “In 2013 RBG split again and l started my own band Mukoma Roby and Top Sungura Sounds.” Since then, Mukoma Roby has been gaining momentum. He recorded Zvese Ndakazvipedza, Getty Wekwarusape then Ndo Vanhu Vacho Futi in 202. His former group R&K was a hitmaker. While he was there, he was limited to singing. When he got into RBG, he sang and also played the lead guitar. The major challenge he faced was funding his career. Particularly, he struggled to buy instruments. Then, what kept him going despite the challenges? “Other musicians kept me going, especially Leonard Zhakata,” Robert replied.
At home with music
How did the family respond when Robert got into music? He was at odds with his mum, mostly because Robert broke his mum’s pan while trying to turn it into a guitar. However, the rest of the family was happy with Robert’s chosen path and appreciated his creativity. So how does he come up with his music? “Some of the things I incorporate in my songs are things I have seen in life.” But, “Usually I receive the songs,” Robert shared pointing to an invisible source. Does he get them through dreams? Yes, he does but “even while I am awake, I can hear new songs playing in my head”